The expansion of invasive species to the East: new sites of the bullheads (genus Ameiurus Rafinesque, 1820) in Ukraine with morphological and genetic identification
- Category: Статті у виданнях категорії А
- Author: Бєлікова О.Ю.
- DOI:
- Year: 2024
Hits: 34
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The expansion of invasive species to the East: new sites of the bullheads (genus Ameiurus Rafinesque, 1820) in Ukraine with morphological and genetic identification / Kutsokon Y., Bielikova O., Pekárik L., Roman A., Shcherbatiuk M., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová Z., Čiampor F. Jr. // Journal of Fish Biology. 2024. P. 1—13.
URL : (Web of Science Q2, Scopus Q2)
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