On the question of scientific support for the development of sturgeon farming in Ukraine against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic and full-scale war
- Category: Тези конференцій
- Author: Симон М.Ю., Забитівський Ю.М.
- Year: 2024
Hits: 33
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Simon M. Yu., Burhaz M. I., Zabytivskyi Yu. M. On the question of scientific support for the development of sturgeon farming in Ukraine against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic and full-scale war // New concepts, theoretical and practical problems in the field of agricultural sciences and food : International scientific conference, March 6–7, 2024, Riga, the Republic of Latvia : proceed. Riga, Latvia : Baltija Publishing, 2024. P. 69—73.
URL : http://baltijapublishing.lv/omp/index.php/bp/catalog/view/448/12094/25257-1 (дата звернення : 01.07.2024).
Інститут рибного господарства НААН України (Репозиторій)