Current state of the European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) in Ukraine and conservation strategy for population support. A review

- Category: Статті у виданнях категорії А
- Author: Мрук А.І., Кучерук А.І., Бєлікова О.Ю.
- DOI:
- Year: 2024
Hits: 76
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Current state of the European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) in Ukraine and conservation strategy for population support. A review / Mruk A., Kucheruk A., Bielikova О., Čiampor Jr. F. // Journal for Nature Conservation. 2024. Vol. 81, September. 126676. P. 1-11. (Web of Science Q2, Scopus Q2)
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